Is a Signed Mediation Agreement Legally Enforceable?

Learn about the legal enforceability of signed mediation agreements and how to make sure your rights are protected.

Is a Signed Mediation Agreement Legally Enforceable?

When it comes to legal enforceability, a signed mediation agreement can be a tricky thing. It all depends on the type of situation you are in and the wording of the agreement. Generally speaking, if the agreement is approved by the Court of Justice, it can be enforced. Alternatively, if the words show an intention to be legally binding, then the contract will be legally enforceable.

To ensure that your mediation agreement is legally binding, it must expressly state that it is legally binding. If you don't include this language, you may run the risk of accidentally creating a good faith agreement. This means that while both parties may have agreed to the terms of the agreement, it won't be legally enforceable. To make sure that your mediation agreement is legally binding, it's best to reduce it to writing and have both parties sign it. Once you have a signed mediation agreement, you can then take steps to enforce it. The courts will enforce the agreement and it can be used as evidence in court of what you agreed to in mediation (otherwise, what happens in mediation is usually confidential).If you want to enforce your mediation agreement, it's best to talk to a mediation lawyer.

They will be able to advise you on the best course of action and help you ensure that your rights are protected.