Top Of The Week

Resolving Conflicts With Mediation Services: The Crucial Role Of A DUI Expungement Attorney In Orange County

In the dynamic landscape of Orange County, conflicts can unexpectedly arise, leaving you grappling with the need for...

What Are the Restrictions on Where a Mediation Session Can Take Place?

Most mediations are covered by the UMA, which provides plenty of protection for mediation. There are three ways in which...

What is the Cost of Mediation Services?

Mediation services can be a great way to resolve disputes without going to court. However, the cost of mediation services ...

Mediation: A Step-by-Step Guide

Mediation is a process of dispute resolution that involves a neutral third party, known as a mediator, who helps the two...

What is Court Mediated Dispute Resolution?

Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process that involves a trained neutral mediator facilitating...

Mediation vs. Arbitration: What's the Difference?

Litigation is generally something that people seek to avoid. It's expensive, time consuming, emotionally draining and...

Editors Picks

How Divorce Mediation Services In Denver Can Help You Reach A Fair Settlement

How Divorce Mediation Services In Denver Can Help You Reach A Fair Settlement

When couples find themselves at a crossroads in their marriage, divorce can seem like the only viable solution. However,...

Is a Signed Mediation Agreement Legally Enforceable?

Is a Signed Mediation Agreement Legally Enforceable?

When it comes to legal enforceability, a signed mediation agreement can be a tricky thing. It all depends on the type of...

Can You Withdraw from a Mediation Agreement After Signing It?

Can You Withdraw from a Mediation Agreement After Signing It?

Legally binding mediation agreements are usually difficult to change after they have been signed. However, it is possible ...

What is a Mediated Settlement Agreement?

What is a Mediated Settlement Agreement?

A mediated settlement agreement, or MSA, is an agreement reached by two or more parties through the mediation process....

What Types of Agreements Can Be Reached Through Mediation Services?

What Types of Agreements Can Be Reached Through Mediation Services?

Mediation is an increasingly popular way to resolve disputes, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has...

What Happens When an Agreement Cannot Be Reached During Mediation?

What Happens When an Agreement Cannot Be Reached During Mediation?

If you and the other party involved in a court-ordered mediation session are unable to reach an agreement, the mediator...